Suchitra Academy News Feed

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20th January Mr.Ujjwal graced the event and the children enjoyed drawing through a story. The story of ‘The ant and the dove’, was beautifully described through drawings.

We unleashed the boundless creativity of children through a fun activity on 20th January. Our in-house guest Mr.Ujjwal graced the event and the children enjoyed drawing through a story. The story of ‘The ant and the dove’, was beautifully described

16th January, students of Grade III were introduced to the topic with a hands-on activity using the play dough cookies.

Approaching fractions for the first time can seem daunting. On 16th January, students of Grade III were introduced to the topic with a hands-on activity using the play dough cookies. This activity helped to explore fractions in an interactive way.

17th January 2023, children explored fractions using clay. Kids enthusiastically participated in the activity and they made different fractions using clay

Fractions is an important foundation for learning advanced Mathematics. Fractions surround our everyday activities like eating at a restaurant, shopping, following a recipe, sports, pizza, time, etc. Children of Grade ll learned the concept of fractions through many fun activities.

18th January, investigating the various qualities of books to help learn the differences between fiction and nonfiction books.

To teach the difference between fiction and nonfiction, students should be able to distinguish between reality and fantasy. Through large-group and small-group activities, Grade I students practised classifying books on the 18th of January, investigating the various qualities of books

Students of Grade III created a bucket list of activities to improve family bonding.

QCT helps children develop key social skills, such as waiting for their turn to speak, listening to others, respecting differing opinions and abiding by rules. The topic for January was 'family bonding'. When a person takes time to connect with

23-27 January, Grade III used picture sequencing techniques to retell or summarize the famous fairy tales in their own words in a group activity.

Through the week of 23-27th January, the students of Grade III used picture sequencing techniques to retell or summarize the famous fairy tales in their own words in a group activity. A proper sequence in storytelling provides the learners with

27th January, children of Grade I were introduced to captions and fact files.

On 27th January, children of Grade I were introduced to captions and fact files. They drew pictures for various captions and vice versa. A caption is a title or brief explanation accompanying an illustration, cartoon or poster. Children also created

25th January Grade II students were pleased to take a nature walk and learn about the various life forms in the Zootopia area.

As a part of the PBL inquiry 7, on 25th January Grade II students were pleased to take a nature walk and learn about the various life forms in the Zootopia area. They recorded the various things they saw in

Stage 1 learners used a hands-on approach to learn Fractions.

Stage 1 learners used a hands-on approach to learn Fractions. During the Math class, they enjoyed using concrete hands-on materials that clarified an abstract concept. While learning about fractions, they appreciated the use of the play dough.

Stage 2 visited an animal farm as a part of the ‘Helping Animals’ challenge to develop research and collaboration skills.

Learners of Stage 2 visited an animal farm as a part of the 'Helping Animals' challenge to develop research and collaboration skills. The farm had workers who took care of animals like cows, calves, dogs and roosters. Students learnt about

Stage 5 volunteered to help the Pre-primary kids during the event on ‘Animal Rescuers’

As a part of their checkpoint challenge, learners of Stage 5 volunteered to help the Pre-primary kids during the event on 'Animal Rescuers' to develop reflection and collaboration skills.

19th January 2023, where students were encouraged to dress up as their favourite character from a chosen book.

A Character Parade was organized for Stage 1 learners on 19th January 2023, where students were encouraged to dress up as their favourite character from a chosen book. Learners of Stage 1 enthusiastically participated in the parade to reinforce their

Stage 1, showcased their communication and reflection skills by giving a Global Perspective presentation on the topic ‘Looking After Our World’ on 23rd January 2023.

Learners of Stage 1, showcased their communication and reflection skills by giving a Global Perspective presentation on the topic “Looking After Our World” on 23rd January 2023. They spoke about the effects of throwing litter such as packets, plastic bottles

Stage 2 showcased the GP presentation on the topic ‘Looking after planet Earth.’

Learners of Stage 2 showcased the GP presentation on the topic "Looking after planet Earth." They showcased how they developed research, collaboration and reflection skills throughout their journey of completing the challenge "Helping Animals." Learners explained how animals can be

24th January, 2023 a session conducted by Cambridge trainer Mr. Simon Lind and Dr. Vasudha Neel Mani on key pedagogies.

The one-day external workshop on 24th January, 2023 conducted by Cambridge trainer Mr. Simon Lind and Dr. Vasudha Neel Mani on key pedagogies underpinning the new Cambridge resources explored the various topics of differentiation, assessment and metacognition. The main focus