Learners of Stage 1 showcased their communication and evaluation skills by giving a Global Perspective presentation on the topic “Looking after Our World”. They developed their observation skills by researching ‘the cause and effect of litter’. Learners spoke about the bad effects of throwing litter such as packets, plastic bottles and containers into the landfill and water bodies and how it is leading to pollution and problems like animals getting trapped or hurt, spoiling the environment and their habitat as litter can be dirty, spreading germs causing diseases, attracting rats and other animals that carry diseases and becomes a breeding ground for flies and mosquitoes. They also shared ways and reasons to stop the same by making posters to put up in the school reminding everyone to use the bins, setting up a recycling bin at school, putting a litter display at the entrance to the school, and making leaflets about the problems of litter. The session ended with the presentation of photos and videos prepared by the learners.