FDI is a responsibility for Indians and an opportunity for the world. My definition of FDI for the people of India is ‘First Develop India’ – Shri Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India.

A guest lecture was organized on Foreign Direct Investment for the students of Grade VII on 09 August 2021. It was an online interactive session with Mr. Trinadh Teja, Senior Manager ICICI bank, Hyderabad. As part of the PBL inquiry, learning about Foreign Direct Investment was crucial for our students to understand the dynamics of our economy. This session was gripping and absorbing as they learnt more about the emerging economies like Singapore, Japan and compared them with our country. The lecture was made more interesting by talking about big companies like Mercedes and Tesla showing interest in Indian markets. The benefits and disadvantages were discussed and queries were addressed by our honourable guest. The take away from this session was that the emerging market demand of our country because of its rich available resources and labour laws makes Indian markets more viable for investors. It was an intriguing session on re- conceptualizing exploitative and explorative nature of Foreign Direct Investment.