A Session on Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
On April 3rd, 2024, we conducted an enlightening session for Grade VI and VII to explore the intricacies of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)—a condition that impacts millions of individuals worldwide. Our primary goal was to cultivate empathy, compassion, and knowledge among students, particularly in their interactions with peers who have autism.
During this interactive session, students engaged in discussions and multimedia presentations. They delved into the diverse experiences of individuals living with ASD. Key topics included understanding sensory sensitivities, which can render certain environments overwhelming for some individuals with autism. Behaviours like stimming were explored, shedding light on the unique ways people with ASD navigate the world.
Importantly, students were encouraged to recognize and honour the individuality of their peers. By fostering an inclusive environment, we aim to ensure that everyone feels valued and accepted. As the session concluded, students left with a deeper understanding of autism and a renewed commitment to champion acceptance and inclusion.
Let us continue to learn, grow, and create a world where everyone thrives, regardless of their unique perspectives and abilities.