An empowering seminar on “Nurturing Emotional Well-Being and Valuing Perspectives” was conducted by Ms. Tanvi Sethia Lalwani for the students of Grades VII and VIII on January 24 and February 2, 2024, respectively. The seminar aimed to help students become aware of, understand, express, manage, and regulate emotions effectively for oneself and others, thereby fostering empathy. The session also focused on valuing perspectives, respecting uniqueness, navigating social interactions and maintaining healthy relations. Students were acquainted with the importance of recognizing and accepting different cultures, beliefs, values, and experiences, which contribute to the richness and complexity of the environment. Through interactive and open discussions, students engaged in collaborative practices, creating a sense of belongingness and harmony in building relations. The seminar emphasized the significance of emotional well-being and the importance of embracing diverse perspectives to create a supportive and inclusive environment.