Train stations serve as magical gateways, ushering travellers into exciting adventures, and this concept formed the basis of the final exit point presentation for JR.KG’s unit titled ‘Going Places’, scheduled for February 24th. Each class presented a unique station experience, transforming into bustling hubs of activity. At the first station, children eagerly picked chits to discover missing items of various vehicles, embarking on a scavenger hunt of sorts. They then proceeded to the second station, where they identified and adorned vehicle images with the found items, adding a creative twist to the task. The third station engaged the children with vehicle-related questions, encouraging active participation and knowledge sharing. Finally, at the fourth station, children took the stage to share stories about their favourite toys, concluding the presentation on a heart-warming note. The event was filled with joy and learning, leaving both children and parents with cherished memories and valuable takeaways.