The week of July starting from Monday 4th to Friday 8th has been a week of celebration for the children of Pre-Primary. On the special occasion of Van Mahotsav, it was a picturesque view to see the tiny tots walk around the lush green campus dressed in green colour. It was a week of awareness brought to the children in the form of activities, role play, presentations. The gentleness of mother nature and the usefulness of keeping the plants alive was discussed and demonstrated by the teachers. Children from the Nursery wing came out and walked around the campus. They were given time to explore the surroundings, see different types and sizes of trees and collect some leaves and twigs back to the class. They enjoyed the special activity of leaf printing and had fun making their own designs. For children of Jr KG a take away was planned, each kid sowed a seed in a small pot and saw the seed sprout into a sapling when taken good care. They took their own sapling back home to add to their house garden.
For Sr.KG, the teachers did a role play on a song showing how the seed grows step by step from a small sapling to a big tree in the presence of soil, air, water and sunlight. Kids enjoyed watching their teachers enact and were amazed to see how a small seed grows into a big tree that can give shade to the entire village. They were also told the importance of trees and how the different parts of the tree are used by man in many ways. Their walk around the campus was brightened when they got a chance to interact with the gardeners. They saw how plants and trees can be taken care of with the help of different tools.
Thus, the little guardians of nature have started their first steps towards the protection of mother earth.