Global Perspective presentation by Stage 3 learners on the challenge ‘CAN WE USE LESS?’ was conducted on 27th August 2022. Learners enjoyed learning about the 4R’s- ‘Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Recover’ to understand how waste can be reduced and how these learners can contribute to such global issues. They were a part of the best out-of-waste activity where they used old plastic bottles, t-shirts and cardboard to create something useful. They also recycled newspapers and created badges, bookmarks, greeting cards, etc. They spread awareness with a “One Straw Less” project and took a promise from parents to avoid plastic straws for a month to contribute to our challenge. They conducted research on the meaning of the 4R’s and how this principle can help in reduce waste and help our planet to become a better place to live. It was a great way for students and parents to reflect on our responsibilities towards our environment.