Suchitra Academy News Feed

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19th December, 2022 -Students of Grade VIII were avid to learn about the various modern farming techniques used in India.

A field trip is a great way to engage students in the concepts they are learning. To teach the basics of Indian farming and modern ways, the school arranged a field trip to Gromor Plant Nursery on 19th December, 2022

Students of Grade V visited CII Sohrabji Godrej Green Building, Hyderabad, on December 20, 2022..

As a part of PBL Inquiry -3, "How do we make back to roots? -A mantra for Gen-next", students of Grade V visited CII Sohrabji Godrej Green Building, Hyderabad, on December 20, 2022. They got a first-hand chance to explore

Stage 6A enthusiastically learnt how to rotate a given shape clockwise and anticlockwise on a graph sheet.

Learners of Stage 6A enthusiastically learnt how to rotate a given shape clockwise and anticlockwise on a graph sheet with the help of tracing paper. The learners could see it happen in a concrete form which enabled them to visualize

Learners of Stages 4 learnt the concept of 3D shapes by demonstrating the number of edges, faces and vertices.

Learners of Stages 4A and 4B made various 3D shapes and demonstrated the number of edges, faces and vertices. They also made nets of cubes to concrete their understanding of the nets that form the shape.  

Stages 4A and 4B learnt the concept of volcanoes using volcano model.

Learners of Stages 4A and 4B learnt the concept of volcanoes using a model of a volcano made with a bottle embedded within a mountain shape with the help of a paper meshing technique. They added vinegar, baking soda and

Looking after our World’, Stage 1 learners explored the globe.

As a part of our new GP challenge “Looking after our World, Stage 1 learners explored the globe. When learners have access to globes, they can see the world from a different perspective.

Stage 3 in the Oratory class learned to improve their fluency, accuracy and time management skills.

A JAM session was conducted for the learners of Stage 3 in the Oratory class to improve their fluency, accuracy and time management skills. A different topic was given to each child. Learners thoroughly enjoyed the activity.

Stage 4 has recently completed their unit on ‘Fantasy Stories’, where they explored a few fantasy stories and their features.

Kids enjoy reading fantasy stories. Learners of Stage 4 have recently completed their unit on 'Fantasy Stories', where they explored a few fantasy stories and their features. The unit ended with the closure activity of writing their own fantasy story.

Stage 1 learners explored and recognized the features of text structure, such as labels.

Stage 1 learners explored and recognized text structure features, such as labels. Labels assist them in finding information by reading them. The little learners showed their enthusiasm by creating labels for their class.

Stage 1 started their new GP challenge, “Looking after our world”.

Learners of Stage 1 started their new GP challenge, “Looking after our world”, learning about planet earth. Students were shown images of earth from space, and on the ground, including unspoiled beaches, forests, mountains, parks, deserts, and so on,this was

Learners at Cambridge learnt humanity and respect. They performed a short but powerful act during their special activity presentation, which needed them to enact the roles of people of different ages and gender.

Through role-play, learners at Cambridge learnt humanity and respect. They performed a short but powerful act during their special activity presentation, which needed them to enact the roles of people of different ages and gender. No words were spoken, and

I Play , I Learn-Learning sounds through activity -Sr.K.G.

The digraphs- “best friends”, a pair of letters that love to work together have been introduced to the children of Sr. KG. This week /th/ sound was taught through a story, song and different activities. One such activity where children

26th November,2022 : Jr.KG students had a happy ending for their IEYC unit of learning – ‘GOING PLACES’.

The most beautiful thing in the world is to see your child learning! On 26th November, Jr.KG students had a happy ending for their IEYC unit of learning - ‘GOING PLACES’. The unit was about the different elements of the

26th November,2022 : Knowledge sharing by little muchkins

पुस्तकस्था तु या विद्या,परहस्तगतं धनम्। कार्यकाले समुत्तपन्ने न सा विद्या न तद् धनम्।। The effort of teachers imparting knowledge to the little munchkins of the Nursery was worth appreciating on 26th November as children shared their learning with their parents.

29th November,2022 : Entry point Jr.KG.

Children of Jr. KG were very excited for the entry point of the new unit of learning, 'Loose Parts' on 29th November. As the topic indicates, many loose parts were arranged by teachers in a special and creative way. A